Sunday, December 14, 2008

And now I wait

All of my course work for Fall 2008 has be completed. Now I wait to see if I'm going to thesis in the Spring. Fun, fun, fun!!! :P

Monday, September 1, 2008

Drama! On my other journal I wrote how I when out on a limb for the sake of knowing how high up I was. While the limb was not cut, it was rocked a bit. I knew better, I just wanted confirmation. Now back off to my hole, while it's lonely and quiet there, it's mine....

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Sometimes I wish you could post one place to all of your blogs..... I have a BLOG :P

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Some much on my mind.

Today is one of those days were I'm just trying not to go a little crazy. June will be the last month that I can pay my bills unless I get a job and or find some money. The summer school is just not going to happening and now I am once again at the mercy of my hateful professor to help me. He has proven time after time that he won't but I'm stuck. About 11:45am I got a call from my employment agency about a job today. When I told them it would take me about an hour to get there they said nevermind since the company wanted someone right then and there. I do hope they found someone but I think it was really unreasonable an hour was not bad for such short notice. The work was much needed and maybe something better will come along..... hopefully soon.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just another manic Monday?

Why is it that every morning this week has seemed like a Monday? I'm tried and sluggish and just want to crawl back into my nice warm bed and sleep for a few more hours. The lazy's have taken hold of me. I do not have class tomorrow and I really should start on one of the 3 papers that are due in the next few weeks. That and I should study for a test that I have on Tuesday. I have to get my ass in gear!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I got new glasses but I can't wear them until my eyes go back to normal. :(

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Still not use to this yet

I just realized that my Google Picasa album unloads here. The Internet is a wonderful thing. It's too bad that I forgot that the other grad students are hanging out tonight. Dam it, I am so dam over booked. Alas it's better to be busy then bored.